
Select stock portfolios over Diversified funds” Check out our latest Market Outlook for in-depth analysis and insights across various asset classes, including Equities, Fixed Income, and more. Dive into our expert views to stay informed about current market trends and future projections.

Explore our Focused Investment Ideas at InCred Wealth, where we offer curated suggestions across diverse product categories. Discover opportunities in AIFs, Private Equity, Mutual Funds, Bonds, MLDs, and more to enhance your investment portfolio.

Focused Investment Ideas - October 2023

One of the few small cap PMS strategy with >10 years of track record. Private Equity type approach to stock selection. Fundamental evaluation process with emphasis on earnings visibility, free cash flow generation, low leverage, sustainable ROCE and governance.

Featured Insights

Hybrid funds have gained significant popularity, with a 74% surge in their assets over the past year, offering a blend of equity, debt, and other assets like gold and real estate, providing a balanced approach to growth, stability, and risk management.

Unlock the potential of unlisted and Pre-IPO equities with insights and discover how early investments in companies like Tata Technologies and Nazara Technologies can yield significant value, along with the risks to consider.

Value investing focuses on buying stocks that are undervalued by the market. Investors analyze a company’s fundamentals, aiming to buy at a discount and hold until the stock reaches its true worth.

Investment Strategies 101 provides an overview of various approaches to growing wealth, from value investing to growth and income strategies. Each method suits different goals and risk tolerance levels, helping investors make informed decisions.

The private market offers unique investment opportunities with high potential returns, but its complexity and lack of transparency make it difficult to navigate. This combination of high reward and mystery draws sophisticated investors.

2023 has been a year of resilience, with markets and economies adapting to global challenges. Despite uncertainties, businesses and investors found ways to navigate volatility and emerge stronger.



Investing in Hybrid Funds is a trend which is here to stay | Nitin Rao | ‪@CNBC-TV18‬

Nitin Rao, CEO - InCred Wealth, shares his insights with ‪@CNBC-TV18‬ as Hybrid funds saw big inflows of around Rs. 16,863 Cr in October'24, that is a significant rise of 244% from Rs. 4,901 Crore in September'24. InCred Capital, part of InCred Group, is an integrated institutional wealth and asset management platform that is uniquely placed as one of the very few firms offering an entire ecosystem of experts under one roof.


In Conversation with Vivek Singla | Managing Partner & CIO - Private Equity | InCred Alternatives

In this edition of FUNDAMENT What are the key drivers for Private Equity in India? What sectors offer the most promising opportunities? How should one assess the potential for value creation? How can PE investments benefit your portfolio? Watch this edition of Fundament with Vivek Singla, Managing Partner & CIO - Private Equity, InCred Alternatives Investments, to find answers to these and many more questions.


InCred Wealth FUNDAMENT with Niket Shah, Fund Manager, Motilal Oswal

In this edition of FUNDAMENT our series of conversations with India's favourite fund managers. This one features Niket Shah, Fund Manager, Motilal Oswal, answering questions on the all-time high equity market and how to find wealth creation opportunities in such a landscape. He also touches upon sector rotation and other strategies, potential risks, and his expectations from the upcoming Budget.

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